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Preproduction Tools

While in preproduction director Tobias Roediger and his team made use of numerous mobile apps and devices to help speed their workflow. The iPhone app Helios by Chemical Wedding ( was used extensively. With only two days to film and a large bank of windows dominating one side of the house, it was very important to know when the sun would be blasting full force into the living room on the day that the couch scene was being filmed.

Panascout ( was used while shooting location photos as a frame of reference. Since the director of photography TJ Hellmuth was finishing a feature and was not able to be on the reccies, the location scouting team took a lot of photography showing all the angles and windows. Panascout was a big help because it allowed Tobias to send a visual framing of the shots he was thinking about to TJ so they could discuss it on the phone.

While on set Tobias kept his storyboards and style frames on his iPad—though he still preferred keeping the script in paper form. Stills from Day 1 were also dropped onto the iPad to serve as reference material for the second day of filming.